Safety and Security | Caledonian Sleeper |

Safety and Security

Keeping you safe on our services

At Caledonian Sleeper, we take the safety and security of our guests and staff seriously. Here, we will explain some of the procedures we have in place and the part you can play in supporting us and fellow guests.

British Transport Police

Caledonian Sleeper works closely with British Transport Police. You may see officers at the stations we serve and, on occasion, on board our trains.

If you see anything suspicious, either within a station or on board one of our trains, please do not hesitate to contact the British Transport Police on 0800 40 50 40 or via text on 61016. In the event of an emergency, you should always call 999.

See it. Say it. Sorted

See it Say It Sorted


Luggage and personal belongings should be kept with you, or in your room, at all times. Should you spot any unaccompanied luggage, or other items, you should raise this with a member of Caledonian Sleeper staff. Alternatively, you can contact the British Transport Police on 0800 40 50 40 or via text on 61016.


Caledonian Sleeper has CCTV in operation in several areas throughout our trains, including in the Club Car, Seated Car and in corridors. In addition, CCTV is in operation at multiple stations on our routes.

National Rail Security Programme