Information Requests
The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) provides individuals with a right to request any recorded information held by Scotland’s public authorities. Anyone can use this right, and information can only be withheld where FOISA expressly permits it.
Section 23 of FOISA also requires that all Scottish public authorities maintain a publication scheme. A publication scheme sets out the types of information that a public authority routinely makes available.
We’ve adopted the Model Publication Scheme developed and approved by the Scottish Information Commissioner without amendment and have produced this guide to the information that we publish within the classes in the scheme.
Availability and formats
The information we publish through the model scheme is, wherever possible, available on this website.
We offer alternative arrangements for people who do not want to, or cannot, access the information online or by inspection at our premises.
For example, we can usually arrange to post information in paper copy (although there may be a charge for this).
Information that we may withhold
Our aim is to be as open as possible. However, there may be circumstances where information will be withheld from publication.
Information will only be withheld, where FOISA (or, in the case of environmental information, the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004) expressly permits it.
Information may be withheld, for example, where its disclosure would breach the law of confidentiality, harm commercial interests, or endanger the protection of the environment. Information may also be withheld if it is another person’s personal information, and its release would breach data protection legislation.
Where we withhold information, we will remove it or redact it before publication and explain why.
If you wish to complain about any information which has been withheld from you, please contact us.
Our charging policy
This section explains when we may make a charge for our publications and how any charge will be calculated.
Unless otherwise stated, all information contained within our scheme is available from us free of charge where it can be downloaded from our website or where it can be sent to you by email.
We reserve the right to impose charges for providing information in paper copy or on CD or other media. Charges will reflect the actual costs to Caledonian Sleeper Limited for reproduction and postage in line with the Schedule of Fees below.
Schedule of Fees
Action | Fee |
Photocopying charge per side of paper | Charge |
Black and White photocopying | 10p per A4 page |
Colour photocopying | 20p per A4 page |
Action | Fee |
Information provided on other media | Charge |
Information provided on CD-Rom | 50p per computer disc |
Action | Fee |
Postage Costs | Charge |
Postage costs will be recharged at the rate we paid to send the information to you | Royal Mail First Class |
We’ll let you know the circumstances in which a fee may be charged, waived or required to be paid in advance. Where a charge applies, we will let you know the charge and how it has been calculated. Information will not be provided to you until payment has been received.
We are required by the Equality Act 2010 to take steps to meet the needs of people who share a relevant protected characteristic. In terms of access to information, this means making reasonable adjustments to our practices to ensure that information is physically accessible. This may, for example, involve producing information in a larger script or different format where it is practicable to do so. The costs of this will be met by us.
Our copyright policy
The supply of information under the terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 does not give the applicant or whoever receives the information any right to re-use it in such a way that might infringe the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (for example, by making multiple copies, publishing or otherwise distributing the information to other individuals and the public). The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (Consequential Modifications) Order 2004 ensured that Section 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (“CDPA”) applies to the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (“FOISA”). CSL Business Breach of copyright law is an actionable offence and Caledonian Sleeper Limited expressly reserves its rights and remedies available to it pursuant to the CDPA and common law. Further information on copyright is available at the following website:
How to access information which we do not publish
If you would like to request information which we do not publish, then please contact us by:
Or by post:
Caledonian Sleeper Limited
1-5 Union Street,
When writing to us to request information, please include:
- Your full name and an email or postal address
- Full details of the information or documents you would like to receive.
Charges for information available only through request
Freedom of information requests
‘Our charging policy’ section above explains when we may make a charge for our publications and how any charge will be calculated. The charges described in that section relate to costs of printing and providing the information.
Section 9 of FOISA relates to ‘Fees’ and advised a Scottish public authority receiving a request which requires it to comply with section 1(1) of the Act, may, within the time allowed by section 10 for so complying, give the applicant a notice in writing (in the Act referred to as a “fees notice”) stating that a fee of an amount specified in the notice is to be charged by the authority for so complying. If a fees notice is given to the applicant, the authority is not obliged to give the requested information unless the fee is duly paid.
The first £100 to locate, retrieve and provide the information, is not chargeable, however where the cost of providing the information is estimated to cost between £100 and £600, the fee will be calculated as ten percent of the estimated cost, which will be the amount specified in the “fees notice”.
Caledonian Sleeper Limited will refuse to deal with a request where we estimate that it will cost more than £600 to locate, retrieve and provide the information. Section 12 ‘excessive cost of compliance’ will be referenced in response to such a request, detailing the estimated total cost of complying with the request, exceeding the amount prescribed (£600), in relation to complying with any request, which does not oblige the authority to comply with either (or any) of those requests.
Environmental information requests
Where a Scottish public authority is under a duty to make environmental information available under regulation 5(1) of the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004, it may charge a fee for so doing.
Fees charged will not exceed a reasonable amount and, in any event, shall not exceed the costs to the authority of producing the information requested.
Unlike FOISA, there is also no £600 threshold for charges relating to cost of compliance with the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004.
In the event that a charge applies to a request under the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004, we will issue you with notification of the charge and how it has been calculated. If you decide not to proceed with the request, there will be no charge to you.
Charges will be calculated on the basis of the actual cost to Caledonian Sleeper Limited of locating, retrieving, and providing the environmental information.
Staff time is calculated at actual cost of employing the staff member in question (being of an appropriate grade to be dealing with the information in question and having the requisite skills and knowledge).
The classes of information that we publish
We publish information that we hold within the classes set out in the publication scheme. We will be updating this page with our publications in the coming weeks.
The classes of information that we publish
We publish information that we hold within the classes set out in the publication scheme. We will be updating this page with our publications in the coming weeks.
This class includes information about Caledonian Sleeper Limited – who we are, where to find us, how to contact us, how we are managed, and our external relations.
- We are Caledonian Sleeper Limited (CSL), a company that has been incorporated in Scotland (Company number SC328825), and our registered office is at 1-5 Union Street, Inverness, Scotland, IV1 1PP (which is also the location of our main Guest Service Centre). Further Guest Services are available via our other office, which is in Bath Street, Glasgow.
- CSL is a wholly owned subsidiary of Scottish Rail Holdings, a company owned and controlled by the Scottish Ministers.
You can find out about CSL’s organisational structure, and current directors at Companies House. - CSL operates overnight train services between London and 5 Scottish Destinations 6 nights of the week.
Our timetables for our train services can be found here.
Our Guest Service Centre Ambassadors will be on hand to help you on Live Chat 24 hours a day from Monday to Friday, from midnight to 16:00 Saturday and 12:00 to midnight Sunday.
You can speak to us by phone from 09:00 to 17:30 Monday to Friday, from 08:30 to 15:30 Saturday and 12:00 to 20:30 Sunday.
To make a Passenger Assistance booking our Accessible Travel & Passenger Assist phone line is available between 08.30hrs to 22.00hrs, Saturday 08.30hrs to 15.30hrs and Sunday 12.00hrs to 22.00hrs. - You can contact our Guest Service Centre in a number of ways including Twitter, Facebook, Telephone, or by using the Live Chat or Contact forms on our website.
Contact us | Caledonian Sleeper
Complaint Handling Policy | Caledonian Sleeper (PDF, 399kb) - Please find our Guest Charter here, which is presently being updated.
Following our transition from private sector to a public authority, and as we continue to develop and improve the service, we will be preparing more codes and charters which we will publish on this site. - CSL was established to ensure the Scottish Government’s statutory obligations under Section 30 of the Railways Act 1993, to maintain the provision of rail services for passengers, when a franchise ends. CSL took over operation of the Caledonian Sleeper business from the previous operator, Serco Caledonian Sleepers Limited at the end of its Franchise, on 25th June 2023.
CSL’s Articles of Association can be found at Companies House. - CSL is a wholly owned subsidiary of Scottish Rail Holdings. Its governance structure consists of:
• Board of Directors consisting of two Directors from Caledonian Sleeper Limited and four Directors from Scottish Rail Holdings. The board meets 12 times a year.
• A Caledonian Sleeper Leadership Board meets every 6 weeks.
CSL and SRH have contractual obligations to Transport Scotland under a Grant Agreement.
CSL is regulated by the Office of Rail and Road. It is a member of the Rail Delivery Group, and participates in the Rail Ombudsman Scheme. - Details of CSL Vision, Mission and Four Strategic Pillars can be found here (PDF, 147kb).
- CSL began its operation of the Caledonian Sleeper business on 25th June 2023, and policies are being updated to align more closely to the context of being a public authority.
Caledonian Sleeper HSSE Policy statement can be found here (PDF, 160kb).
Caledonian Sleeper Safety Certification can be found on the Office of Road and Rail (ORR) website here. - CSL is regulated by the Office of Rail and Road.
CSL is accountable to the Scottish Ministers, as part of the Scottish Rail Holdings group, and as part of its contractual relationship with Transport Scotland.
CSL are a member of the Rail Delivery Group, and participates in the Rail Ombudsman Scheme.
This class includes information about our work, our strategy and policies for delivering functions and services, and information for our service users.
- CSL was established to meet the ‘operator of last resort’ obligations of the Scottish Ministers, under Section 30 of the Railways Act 1993, a piece of legislation designed to ensure that the provisions of passenger rail services can continue when a rail franchise comes to an end. Serco Caledonian Sleeper Limited performed those passenger services under its Franchise Agreement with the Scottish Ministers. Following transfer of the service into the Scottish Government on 25th June 2023, CSL now perform the passenger services under a Grant Agreement with Scottish Rail Holdings and the Scottish Ministers (acting through Transport Scotland).
- As a Public Authority, Caledonian Sleeper Limited must operate in a manner consistent with:
Public Sector Finance Manual;
Public Sector Pay Strategy 2023-2024, and
Public Service Procurement Policy. - You may refer any concern about us to the Office of Rail and Road, or to the Rail Ombudsman.
However, we’d like the opportunity to hear from you with your feedback and concerns, so that we can try to resolve the matter for you directly. If you prefer to do this, you can contact us directly. - Statutory registers comprise a collection of documents that contain official, up-to-date information about a company.
CSL’s Articles of Association can be found at Companies House. - Please see ‘Unit Diagrams’ for each day of the week here.
- Please see our:
Accessible Travel Policy;
Station Accessibility Guide and
Train Accessibility Guide. - Destinations of our service are detailed here.
The Sleeper Experience is detailed here.
Types of Accommodation on our service is detailed here.
Description of the choice of tickets for our service is detailed here.
Costs of accommodation types are provided when detailing a journey on - Our on board audio announcements are here.
Information about the decisions we take, how we make decisions and how we involve others.
Information about our strategy for, and management of, financial resources in sufficient detail to explain how we plan to spend public money and what has actually been spent.
- CSL began to operate the Caledonian Sleeper Service on 25th June 2023. Publication of its next annual accounts (up to 31 March 2023) is due to file at Companies House on 31 December 2023.
- In line with the Scottish Government guidelines to disclose the names, job titles and salary details of senior management within Non-Departmental Public Bodies, the following information relates to statutory directors for Caledonian Sleeper Limited. Please see here (PDF, 67kb).
- View our Group Tax Strategy set out by Scottish Rail Holdings for 24/25 here.
Information about how we manage the human, physical and information resources of Caledonian Sleeper Limited.
- Please find information relating to staff numbers and roles here (PDF, 159kb).
- CSL began its operation of the Caledonian Sleeper business on 25th June 2023, and policies are being updated to align more closely to the context of being a public authority. Information will then be published.
- CSL occupy leasehold premises at:
– Inverness – Registered Office, Guest Service Centre and Guest lounge.
– London Euston & Fort William – Guest Lounges.
– Glasgow – Guest Service Centre and Office in Bath Street.
as well as occupying staff accommodation areas at other stations on the rail network. - Please find our ‘privacy policy’ here.
Information about how we procure goods and services, and our contracts with external providers.
- As a Public Authority in Scotland, CSL’s procurement of goods and services is subject to relevant procurement laws including the Utilities Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2016. We’re required to be aligned to the Public Procurement Strategy for Scotland, as well as procure goods and services in a way that is compliant with the Scottish Public Finance Manual.
- A list of present contracts is here (PDF, 339kb). New contracts entered into by CSL will be advertised and awarded consistent with the relevant procurement rules.
Information about how we perform as an organisation, and how well it delivers its functions and services.
Our performance is measured by the following metrics:
[Operational Performance]
[Guest Experience/Guest Satisfaction]
Please find the Rail Passenger Rights Service Quality Report here.
Please find the Caledonian Sleeper guest satisfaction survey published by Transport Focus below:
Periods 10, 11 , 12 & 13
Periods 7, 8 & 9
Periods 4,5 & 6
Periods 1,2 &3
Under section 149 of the Equality Act 2010, CSL has a ‘Public Sector Equality Duty’ to have due regard to the need to:
• eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation;
• advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not, and
• foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
CSL is obliged to prepare a progress report every 2 years on how it has made its Public Sector Equality Duty integral to the exercise of its functions. CSL will be preparing this report at the earliest opportunity and will publish it on its website as soon as possible. In the meantime, the following publications are relevant to CSL’s commitment to accessibility:
• Accessible Travel Policy
• Station Accessibility Guide
• Train Accessibility Guide
Information packaged and made available for sale on a commercial basis and sold at market value through a retail outlet (e.g. bookshop, museum or research journal).
Open data made available by Caledonian Sleeper Limited as described by the Scottish Government’s Open Data Strategy and Resource Pack, available under an open license.
Scottish Information Commissioner
You have legal rights to access information under this scheme and a right of appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner if you are dissatisfied with our response. These rights apply only to information requests made in writing (verbal requests for environmental information carry similar rights) or another recordable format. If you are unhappy with our responses to your request you can ask us to review it internally and if you are still unhappy, you can make an appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner.
By post:
Scottish Information Commissioner
Kinburn Castle
Doubledykes Road
St Andrews
KY16 9DS
Telephone: 01334 464610
Scottish Information Commissioner website
Data Protection
You can request a copy of any personal data we hold about you by making a subject access request (SAR) under the General Data Protection Regulation.
For Subject Access Requests contact us at:
Last updated
This page was last updated on 26th July 2023.
The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 provides a right of access to all types of recorded information held by public authorities, sets out exemptions to that right and places a number of related obligations on public authorities, particularly in relation to Records Management and Publication Schemes.
Individuals have the right to request access to information, be informed whether or not the public authority holds that information and, subject to various statutory exemptions, be supplied with that information.
Caledonian Sleeper Limited is subject to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests from 26th June 2023.
We would encourage you to please consult our publication scheme before submitting a request as the information you seek may already be available.
If you would like to request information which we do not publish, then please contact us by:
Or by post:
Caledonian Sleeper Limited
1-5 Union Street,
When writing to us to request information, please include:
Your full name and an email or postal address
Full details of the information or documents you would like to receive.
Caledonian Sleeper is a data controller and process personal data relating to you, as a data subject. Data subjects have a number of rights under the Data Protection Act (2018) (the DPA) and the UK GDPR.
You can request a copy of any personal data we hold about you by making a subject access request (SAR).
Depending on the nature of your request we may require additional information. If this is the case, we will contact you on the email address you supply when submitting your request.
For Subject Access Requests contact us at: